Wednesday 25 July 2018

Bobby n Mummy go to the big smoke

Before I write about what Bobs and I did together last week can I just say that we would be lost without those Summerland Hoodies. My kids have always repped their school  by wearing the hats EVERYWHERE, but now with the hoodies it's quite ridiculous. I've always got 1, 2 or even 3 kids in those jumpers, nevermind if we're actually anywhere near school!

So last week it was the 2nd week of the holidays and I found myself with 1 child! Faith was away with the Fairweathers at their bach all week, Seth was at his first official playdate with a boy from his class, Dalls was at Kindy and Ella won the prize of a full day with Mumma.

I've wanted to take her to the art gallery for about a year and have never done it so this was our day. I'm know NOTHING about art but Ella's quite arty and crafty, plus the art gallery is in the city (exciting) and free (yay!), so off we went.

I won't write captions for all of the pics, but isn't art a funny thing. Some/most of the pieces were like 'what?' Is this art? Do people pay hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars for this?

We figured, if this is art, maybe we could both be famous artists!

Oh, and some pics made Ella (and even I) blush! You'll know what I mean when you get there :)

We loved this little (actually it was huge) village of cardboard homes and buildings. It was so super creative and interactive. I'm not usually one for making imaginative things, but we both enjoyed contributing our little homes to the project.

We were both quite taken with this....seriously?!?!?!?

And that was our outing. After lunch we did a little bit of tidying up at home and then picked up Dalls early so she could join us at the park with the Leones. 

Unfortunately things turned during the night and this is how my Bobby woke up the next day :(

And this was her for a solid 2 days. So sad to see her like this. I feel like I've never seen her so sick and lacking in energy. Thankfully on Friday she perked up and no one else came down with whatever it was. Spewing over 3 days pretty was the limit of what Mum could handle!


  1. Cute date! Lol rudie pics 😂. Those pics of ella are so sad. I can feel her pain 😢

  2. Fun to do something different for a change! Poor her the next day :(
