Tuesday 2 July 2019

June - Pipiri

Seth's out at Youth with Joe (they're learning how to do boy's haircuts so they're practising on him) and the girls are watching the Norris Nuts on Youtube. So of course I'm fluffing around on the lappy while I should be getting my church lesson ready for sunday. A blog post is a good use of my time though right?

I think someone was excited to have some birthday money to spend at Smiggle

My little sleeping princesses

Our Family Hour lesson was about how Jesus Christ is our king. I divided the board into 4 and the kids all had to draw what I told them. We did it about 5 times (summer, food, school..) and then we finished on 'king' which led us into our scriptural discussion. How cute are these kings?

Sacrament treat for those who deserved it

This was the first week all the kids got it. Usually it's one or 2

Finally putting in a bit of practise. A year and a half in!

Such a lazy Saturday that she had 2 big sleeps on the couch during the day/night

Bob loves to come home from school on Mondays and replicate what she's done during her creative library activity. This day they'd sketched dog kennels for their own breed of dog. This kept her busy for 3 afternoons straight!

One very handsome and very hungry Aladdin. Faith said 'why is Mac dressed up as a pioneer?' when she saw this!

Faith started adding to her superhero/villain chapter book lately. 9 episodes or chapters now

Of course Dallin wanted to teach the class a māori song. Home learning 'perform a song' challenge...check!

On Mac's school marae trip. Fun being an aunty helper for the day

Yes we go to rugby in gissy's with rock pets on a plate

I wonder if Seth thinks 'if I go to sleep during sacrament that's sitting still so I'll get the sacrament treat'. Worked this week but the girls were very put out cause if they lie down or go to sleep they're not allowed to get the treat. Hard to understand that different ages have different expectations

Seth's first and hopefully only oopsy daisy at school this year. 10/10 if you can read it without help

Off to the kindy disco with the Stones. And what a rockin' night it was for all of them!

3 supermarkets on a Friday night and I finally got me some goodness

A lovely lady at the pools shared her child's party food with us. I think Pete appreciated it. Not sure about Jules

Dally's love note to a lady sitting behind us at church. I pretty much die over the baby writing

Ella? Might need to ask her for an explanation here

Damn, I want a sacrament treat. I think I deserve all of this for putting up with what I do. Firi and Bob got it this week so they shared the Resees and Curly Wurly

Family Hour Game. Act out the card. Probably laughed the most at Faith acting out 'wig'. I love that all kids did it without any shame like I would've had as a child

First sunday night conk out in a while. I think he ended up sleeping almost 4 hours like this

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