Thursday 1 August 2019

July - Hōngongoi

Pak n Save online begins. Faithy and I love it. My standard 1 hour shop is down to about 90 seconds!

Sunny man enjoying his birthday breakfast

Faithy loves to be involved in anything and everything, even when it means standing in the rain in the carpark to give out cookie and milo tickets to kids who walked/scootered to school

Thanks Dad for the birthday dinner, I think it was pretty well received

Heaven/Kmart trip for Seth to spend SOME of this $100 birthday money

Well spent son!

Mufti day was somehow pj day for Dallin. I told her she might feel embarrassed but she insitsted she wouldn't and as we walked in she assured me she really happy with her choice of clothes

The Room 11 trio looking very sporty as they waited for jumpjam to start

Date night to Secret life of pets movie with Pete and Julie

The birthday sleepover duo

Our fave kind day....pools, food, cuzzies. Nice birthday choice son

Happy birthday to me, what a great way to start a lazy sunday birthday morning

A trip to the big smoke to go for a walk through the city to the art gallery

Mac comes over for a sleepover and joins in with Faith's art home learning challenge

and then goes on a 2.5km run. Actually we might have done 3.2km that night

Mark's baptism - what a special day!

My little potterer. She just randomly started taking everything off the shelves and then got her water bowl and chemco to wipe it all down

The random day we had a play in the stake centre carpark. These 2 weren't very impressed so they ended up drawing in the car

Faith connecting with her roots

We used these scriptures to make our own Article of Faith '14'

Oh goodness, a cheesy, crackery treat that got delivered to my room last week by 2 little cuties. Faith and I went so hard on it!

Joseph Debarge Heke

Being active citizens of our wonderful country and visiting Ihumātao to get a feel for ourselves about what's going on

Pretty boring for the kids cause we wouldn't let them run around out of our sight because it was getting dark. Once they found this spot, we couldn't tear them away!

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