Wednesday 25 March 2020

February - Hui-tanguru

I guess there's no excuse to finally post's not like I'm busy at the moment!

Ward Picnic at Waterview Park


Bobby going to camp with Dad

Faithy's first day at high school

Julie's first day at school ever!

Heading up to her first official Young Women's activity with a list of activity ideas

Yes, she's got a dummy in her mouth...why, i do not know

Someone was a bit chuffed to have goggles for her school swimming lessons

72 hour kit sorting sesh

What a moment, as soon as Bob got home she ran straight to me for a hug then on to Faith

Seems like a distant memory but we got an amazing weekend away in Whangamata for a Bishop's training weekend at the start of Feb. Such a lovely weekend thanks for Aunty Nae and Aunty B

Biddy's first homework at school

Little Miss Potterer obviously got at my bed when she was supposed to be asleep

I thought she was a bag lady but maybe she's a shoe lady...probs both

Dinner with Brother Jee at a chinese restaurant

Ella got a bit spiritual and crafty when I sent her to her room for being poopy

Re-stocking our my happy place with this set up

Hanging at hip hop

The only duty shift I had to do all term and I did it with this little beauty

'Mum, I want to collect rubbish'

Not impressed with the amount of rubbish at the worksite on the corner of our street. C'mon guys

This gorgeous guy has been wondering 'is Jesus real?' so we've been doing a lot of things to help him find out for himself

Making dinner for 2 families. Could do with a bit of that in my belly right now!

Time to do a drawing activity with the kids now. Day 1 of the lockdown officially done, even though this is actually our 4th straight day at home. I'm loving our family time x

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