Wednesday 1 April 2020

Chicken Korma

Chicken Korma + Rice

Thanks Aunty B for this divine chicken korma, a winner with the whole family...even if it's made with potato instead of chicken....and papadums or naan bread take it next level.

1 onion
2 tsp minced garlic or a couple of cloves cup up
2tbsp minced ginger from the jar, or fresh and grated

Pataks Korma PASTE
1L Kara Coconut CREAM
750g chicken breast

60g butter
1tbsp tomato paste
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp sugar

Fry onion, garlic, ginger in a bit of olive oil.

Add korma paste and fry for a while till it's kind of caramelised.

Add coconut cream and mix.

Add raw chicken that you've already cut into pieces.

Turn down to low heat and stir occasionally until the chicken is cooked.

Add butter, tomato paste, lemon juice and sugar.


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