Tuesday 21 April 2020

March 2020 - Poutu-te-rangi

I did this whole post the other day and now it's disappeared so here's a quick, frustrated version of it.

Faith n I snuck over to Aussie at the start of March for her to go to the temple. What a cool little moment in time where we got to spend time with our Aussie Fam....and we were locked down only 3 weeks later so it was all the more special. Oh and the koru club was pretty extra

The day Faith thought she might want to pursue a career in the airline industry so I said 'that's cool, let's take a pic cause if you do you'll have a picture of the moment you decided'. And with the way things have progressed over the last little bit, it's probably the worst career path to go down in terms of a global pandemic

I can't remember why I ended up in the staffroom with these 2 after school one day but I do know they loved it!

Cupcake drop offs for the girls YW activity....the last one for a good while

A cupcake decorating workshop at the library before we headed off to the last Touch Rugby game

Things progressed so quickly and at the start we were pretty sure we'd be fine to travel. Nek minute, all called off and waiting on a refund ....one day!

The kiddies scooting down the road in Aunty B's new whip

Our last date night....such fond memories!

Church meetings at home. I think we've been doing it for about 6 weeks now and we love it

I think over the past week she's started to come around. Her curls out or in a big pony tail are sooo flippn' pretty

A week of special things from Julie......what a lucky duck....it just kept on going day after day. She was soooo spoilt

Good ol' honey and garlic saladas

Olive Tree Allegory lesson with the biggies

The table is like this far too much for my liking

A practical lesson with dad just before the lockdown

We were interviewed about our food storage the day before the lockdown started. The kids loved it!

Faith was so excited her phone beeped

Smalls lesson about Enos

Ella had to do a piece of writing using 5 words that she was given from Mrs Brown. I can't remember the words but the gist of her piece was that lockdown is boring and she spends hours looking out the window at grey clouds. This was her picture....wasn't too hard to get the shot!

We've lost count of how many litres of feijoa fizzy we've made...I'd say it's at least 15! and we've got 4L in the fridge and another 3 brewing right now!

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