Sunday 9 August 2020

July 2020 - Hongongoi

July has come and gone. I'd like to say we're over the worst of the cold weather but I'm sitting her with trackpants, hoodie and the heatpump blasting so maybe I can say that in the August post

Last day of term mufti
Our family hour lesson was obviously riveting for Seth
I can't remember why this critter ended up in my bed but  Mummy loved it
The only thing he wanted to find out about before we went in was Pompeii so he was stoked to find this

1st shower in 4 days...literally!
Such a fun time with Aunty Natty, Uncle Mark and Fam

The best we can get to a Grandma Julie hug

Ella's new outfit thanks to her Aunties
Finally a loose tooth
Babies date night
Biggies date night

Vege lasagne with the sister missionaries. Yum as!

This girl can make her own mac 'n cheese from scratch...about time considering how much she loves it
1st phone call on her proper big girl phone. I'll have to take a pic of her cellphone contract for the next post. It's pretty comprehensive!
Mummy n Bids getting ready to team teach for YW

Holy Moly, the shouting from the lounge when this happened was intense!
Seffy took over Big Boys sunday afternoon sleep spot and I'm not complaining about it

I couldn't stand to hear about the $2 any longer than the one day she had it so we went to the $2 shop and she blew it on these nail polishes

Bids sweating it out against Lupe on the court (a friend from YW)
Now I've got 5 of these awesome puzzles. Oh yeah!
High on P or just played her first game of netball?!?!?!?

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