Monday 17 August 2020

Seth's baptism (8th birthday)

What a special day this was. Our handsome, full of spunk little man was celebrated his 8th birthday by being baptised with a room full of family and friends. 

A special gift from the Leone's that matched Spency's talk on Baptism, cause now Seth's officially joined 'Team Jesus'

His very own 'Graysey' from Aunty B when she did a talk about the Holy Ghost

A cool as gift from Tanner after he did his talk about Repentance

Now we've only got our Dally left to go and we'll be all done with baptisms and if our previous 3 are anything to go by it's sure to be a really fun and love filled occasion. Seth was buzzing with having cousins and friends around for the afternoon and into the night. And he still holds the record for longest lasting CTR ring (cause they usually only last 2 hours max right!?!?). He's had one for months, I'd even go so far as to say he's had it for a year!

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