Monday 19 July 2021

Haratua - 2021

Faith making our sacrament bread

I make this every few weeks now. The easiest bread ever. Great for a BBQ, roast dinz, pumpkin soup

2 thoughts here.
So much love

Shoe shopping with Grandad Sonny. It was so cool to get him a couple of new pairs before he headed back to Oz

Thank goodness for the Stones who came through with the birthday goodies when Mum fell short

I think this was the afternoon we went shopping for outfits for Grandma Yvonne's funeral and the kids had already been up since 5 something to take Dad to the airport

oh this was a sweet sight for my organising/planning eyes to behold. Faith went to a youth training session and came home with some templates

It was so special to spend time with our Heke family as we gathered to farewell Grandma Yvonne

Mummy and the boy take turns with Eleroo, a little special thing we do

Dally and Kailea

One of my special dinners in a rush

Just before Sethy's cluster cross country. I couldn't find him anywhere and then I found him here sitting a bit apart from everyone else (by a few girls). I got right down beside him and whispered if he was alright. He whispered back that he was nervous and was saying a quiet prayer. Bless him!

Ella's 11th birthday party in her classroom

Daddy talking to lots of people on the day that he found out his mum had passed

3 beautiful and generous ladies made us dinner the night Dad went to Australia x

At Grandma Yvonne's graveside

Julie and Luke have been taking turns on Monday afternoons to come over for a play. So fun!

Sunday afternoons when we get home from church it's straight into lunch and then 1 hour of quiet activities before we turn the TV on. Puzzles, games, reading, drawing. It's been such a great sunday arvo tradition and this day we didn't even turn the TV on at all, making burgers out of plasticine kept them occupied for ages

My new infinity heart necklace from my lovey

These 2 beauties went to Aunty B's last YW activity for a games night

Using a voucher that I was given for christmas from a student last year

What a special night it was to have this guy back!!!!!

I love it when I find messages like this from my babies

Working at school with the kids is the best....going to swimming with my class and Bobby's

Halfway through my baking marathon for the funeral. 6 slices and 6 batches of bikkies

Such beautiful timing for this to be in the Friend magazine on the day after Grandma Yvonne passed

What do you do when cuzzies come up to Auckland on a school day? Take the kids out of school to hang!

Just before the cross country (after our prayer).
He still had a black puffy eye from banging into the trampoline pole a few days before

Our babies 2 Grandads

We read this story about a child collecting money to give away so of course this girl had to make a box to do the same

Paasha with Grandad Sonny and Uncle Mahonri

Not only hanging out the washing, but also having to set up the airer. You can do it boy. Remember, Mum's on a mission, a mission to train you up!

More party fun

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