Tuesday 20 July 2021

Pipiri - 2021

Some of the new shoes! I'd like to say we won't have to buy any for at least 2 years

Grandie writing out his funeral programme (or menu as Aunty Natty called it the other day!)

Making my cough syrup

The little reading bug earned her pizza at the  11th hour

Joe being cheeky about how we should buy this for Dad cause he'd some over that day and said a walking cane would be handy

Oh, makes my mouth water just looking at it. Maggi chicken noodles with oodles of grated tasty cheese

No caption necessary, the smile says it all I think

Dally's representation of cross country in her folder at school

This came up as a facebook memory. Where has this boy gone?!?!?!

Mum during sacrament....eek

Faffing late one night when the big girls were out. Cool game son

Dally helping me to get my 2nd aromatawai ready. She came to present it with me too. I'll take some pics of it before it gets binned

Waiting at the drs for 3 hours on a saturday morning for Ella's nail biting infection. Not cool!

Seth's idea of 7th heaven. Girls, silver giracottes

Date night in Hamilton at a beautiful restaurant courteousy of Uncle Johnnie and Aunty Tan

My type of dinner that I got to enjoy at my course while I practised my pūrākau speech

The big girls doing a Sunday night teaching sesh because they missed family hour

One of Lukey's monday afternoon plays. Joining in on the homework train, maths of course

Our doorstep during the laundry renos. Worth it for the gains

oh man, I don't even have a finished picture of the laundry. Oops, I'll post that in the July update. And the kitchen as well because my handyman extraordinaire did both and they look amazing!

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