Tuesday 4 February 2014

My girls?!?!?!?!

Sometimes I wonder about my girlies...Here's why....

When I ask Ella what we could call our new baby she says Cackrow or John Tuck (that's the name of a young single guy in our ward!) She always says that as her answer so it must be what she really wants?!?!?!

(Faith says Sally, Jack or Rachel for baby names)

When we drove towards Rainbow's End for Kyky's party Faith yelled out 'Look Ella, there's the Felafel' (meaning Fear Fall)

Faith came home from her first day back at school last week with a few itchy bites. I asked her where she thought they came from. She paused for a minute and then said (in all seriousness) 'I played with brown people at lunch, maybe I'm allergic to them'

Ella thinks if you speak another language (samoan, chinese etc) you must be really really old (even if you're only a teenager)

When I took Ella to bed a few nights ago she was shocked and very unimpressed that her bed hadn't been made. She looked at me and said 'Mum, you didn't make my bed this morning!!!!' To which I said 'Why didn't you do it, it's your bed'....Her response to that? 'Mum you do all the jobs in our house ok, now do it tomorrow!'

I'm 30 weeks pregnant now and I've been getting quite a sore back. After our FHE lesson last night I asked my family to help me more around the house, especially when it comes to picking up things from the floor......I'm sick and tired of bending over to pick up other people's things all day!!!!! Straight away Faith and Daddy Joe jumped up and picked up some things off the lounge floor that needed to go away. Ella pointed to a book on the floor and said 'Mum, you bend down and get that book and I'll help your back later K'

As we ate Shepherd's Pie last week (saucy mince with potato pompoms on top), Ella called out to Faith and said 'Faith, dinner's ready, it's 'with a chance of meatballs' Interesting name for a dinner, obviously from the movie, so now we'll always call that dinner 'with a chance of meatballs!'

With a chance of meatballs!

Someone thought it would be funny to show Sethy's little y-crack and it didn't seem to bother him in the slightest