Saturday 15 February 2014

Valentines 2014

Valentines Treats for the Leones.....

Sandpaper art on t-shirts....

My Valentine's present (totally unexpected) was a new light shade for our room. Last year we brought new curtains for the whole house so my thoughtful hubby decided to get something else for our home. I'm already wondering what he'll get next year now. I'll have to take a pic of the new lightshade soon....he chose well

Sicky Seffy:( I worked yesterday and Seth was at daycare. At 4pm I got a call saying he had a temp of 39.8 so I rushed in to pick him up and take him straight to the Dr. He came straight home and cuddled up to his soft blankie (he's such a blankie boy!!) and fell asleep on the couch....after stealing a lollipop off his sister

Ella made me a special flower that was planted in red sand
And our lovey dovey day was finished off with a Valentine's Dance at Aeroview Ward. I didn't get a pic of the boogy-ing but the girls really got into it towards the end. Especially Ella with Sis. Walters

Out of the blue cutesy Mac got me a whole plate of refreshments. It was so sweet, he just brought it up to me and said he'd chosen it all especially for me.

Trouble x 2!!!!

Exhausted x 2!!!!
That's pretty much how Valentines 2014 went down for us. Brilliant!

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