Monday 17 February 2014

Special Monday Night

Last night we had the pleasure of having special guests in our home....Grandad Sonny, Grandma Yvonne, Uncle Jonathon, Reegan, Aunty Sarah, Tyrael and Tjay.

The girls knew a few days beforehand that they were coming up and to say they were excited would be a huge understatement. Living in a different town to all of the Hekes, it's a big deal when they come up to our home. On sunday night the girls were put in their room for bed at 7pm. At 10:30 when I went to bed Faith still wasn't asleep. She came in to me and whispered 'I can't go to sleep because I keep thinking that Grandad might be able to pick me up from school tomorrow'. I told her that would be really cool but he might not make it up to Auckland in time. She looked really sad and said 'I know he'll turn up Mum'

I didn't want to pressure them to be here by 3pm when I knew they had a few odds and ends to tie up in Hamilton so I didn't call them about her special request. But what do you know, they pulled up to the school carpark behind me and Grandad Sonny got to pick up Faithy from school just as she'd desperately wanted!!!!! Wish I'd got my phone out to take a picture of her big smile!

The 2 3 year old twinnies going for a quick trip to the supermarket. Actually it wasn't quick at all, I'm sure they were gone for a couple of hours! Faith said to me this morning 'I like going to the supermarket with Grandad cause he lets me chose some things I want'

I think Daddy Joe's salmon sushi and seafood chowder was ready to eat just before 10pm....5 hours after our children are used to having dinner! I think we've outgrown this 'baby' table well and truly now

Faithy petered out at about 10:30pm

Ella kept going a bit longer, perhaps due to licking quite a few juice sachets

And big boy Tjay had a kip on our new beanbag. He must have been exhausted :)
........Until next February!!!!
Actually we'd love to have visits more often from anyone who's willing and able to make the drive, for the day or a stay...either way we'd love it.

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