Monday 21 September 2015

Naya's 5th Party!

We loved a good ol' cuzzy party at the Flagstaff Chapel last week. 

Anaya Bree, the last 2010 Heke quad turned 5 and now she's a big school girl. Ella and Naya are always joined at the hip when they're together. I feel kinda bad saying that Faith hasn't hung out with her a lot, simply because Ella goes straight to Naya (and the makeup!) and Faith goes straight to Riyan and scooters or dress ups or ipads these days. I'm so interested to see how the make up obsession with these girls turns out in the future....teenage years, church dances etc are gonna be interesting when we get there I'm sure.

We had sick kids in the lead up to the party, but that was Wednesday & Thursday, Friday was better, Saturday we were good to go....and go we did. All that way down to Hamilton, Mama's Donuts, the temple and the party. 

Was so fun to play inside and out, on the bouncy castle, on bikes, not to mention getting awesome face paint

Fun to have the Leones and Grandie with us. So cool how our families often get together, it all adds to the cuzzy love!

Would love a bit of that rewana right now. Grandie had himself a few little rewana + chicken sandies

The 2008 Crew

The 2010 Quadtroublettes

Big day = over it. My Seffy conked out at about 4pm and that was pretty much him for the rest of the day. He'd woken at 4am that day and didn't sleep on the drive down, so it all caught up with him obviously

2018 will be another round of big birthdays for this motley crew.....Baptisms....yeeyah!!!!!!!

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