Sunday 27 March 2016

Summerland Fun Run and Uncle Aaron for Dinz

The outdoor auditorium finally opened at school last friday.....and by finally, I mean it was meant to be finished in December last year and now it's the end of March. 

We had our Community Fun Run at school last Friday evening. This little kid got the best deal, the girls walked off with their friends and probably finished half an hour before I walked in last.....literally last....with Seth and Dalls. Despite being last, it was such a fun outing for us. Seth talked pretty much the whole way round about how he's the fastest runner, and 'next year we should just do this in the car Mum!'

This is what the conversation just before I took this grumpy pic...
'Mum we 're thirsty'
'Well let's quickly get in the car and go home for a drink of water'
'oh, but they're selling drinks here'
'No way, I told you we're not buying food here, and I'm definitely not wasting money on drinks when we're only 3 mins from home!'

Such a cool saturday arvo with Uncle Aaron

It took Dalls a while to warm up to this new guy but by the end she was doing little dances right in front of him to get his attention

What a loot bag this girl came away from primary with last week. Apparently she was the star of the month

Family Dinner last sunday at Sister Patty's house

2 little troubles hiding in the bathroom with the rest of Faith's star of the month lollies. She was so good at sharing them one at a time, but these 2 have no self control and as soon as the container was left on the edge of the table they pounced and hid in the bathroom together

Saturday 26 March 2016

2016 Heke Reunion

2 weekend ago we had a really awesome time at the Heke Family Reunion at Camp Tuhikaramea in Hamilton....well actually I was only there for the weekend, but it was actually from Thursday-Tuesday. My lucky kids had such an amazing few days with their cuzzys. They ended up having 5 days off school all up (including a sicky day where they came home with an ear infection and infected eczema), but it was well worth the mid term break. Those kinds of rare family times are sooo special. And Camp Tuhikaramea was just perfect. I think Joe's got a few more pics but in the interests of actually getting a post online, I'll just go with with what I've got for now.

Within about 10 minutes of me arriving on Saturday afternoon I had these 2 fast asleep on me in one of the cabins. A nice 2 hour sleep just before we headed off to Ashleigh Coward's wedding

There was a table with lots of little boxes of fudge for guests to take away. The board on the table said it was her Grandad's secret recipe, but after he passed away it was revealed to the family.....soooo good. Perfect to find in my handbag during Gospel Doctrine the next day!

Because we had 2 cars to bring home, the boys went together and I took Dalls. Joe got the better deal cause Seffy slept the entire thing, Dall's woke up about every 20 minutes, had a cry, then went back to sleep.

So weird to have only 2 kids on Monday evening (the big girls stayed at the camp to come back up with Ez). Too easy to throw them some potato pompoms and chicken pieces while they were watching a movie

No I don't have dinners like this every night, maybe once every 2 or 3 weeks

She's not a baby anymore!

After her shower she came into the lounge with a big boggle holding her bankie. She sees Seth with his fluffy blanket in the lounge all the time so she's followed suit. Was funny to watch her try and flatten it out and then lie on it, reminded me of how Skye used to walk around in circles for ages getting her bean bag just right for her to lie on

We put them down in their own beds and when I went to bed I couldn't find Seth....until I thought to check in the girls room! Joe wanted me to leave him there but I had visions of them waking at 2am and starting to cry or play, and obviously I was having none of that!

So now we've got our Jan 2018 Ormsby reunion to look forward to, and then another Heke one in March 2019. Woohoo!

Monday 21 March 2016

End of Feb 2016

Blog posts are getting fewer and further between each one....can't be helped at the moment....they're on my to-do list most days but 10pm when I get round to it, I can't be bothered! Don't see that changing any time soon either which is a bit sad cause I love putting things on here. Oh well, here's one for today.....

FHE a couple weeks ago. The girls each chose a friend to drop off something to (our fave lunchbox snacks at the moment), and we also took some to a new family in our ward. Out of our 3 drop offs, no one was home!

Dalls sleeps in her togs a few nights a week these days

Just a bit o' torture right dessert when we went out for Aunty Nae's birthday

Our date night with a grandparent of one of the girls I taught last year

He talked the whole way home on the phone with the Filipino man that had invited us. It was all in tagalog but he said later it was about differences between our faiths. And then last sunday he came over with his minister to teach us about the Bible and how we don't understand it correctly! Lovely discussion and really good to make us both look through the scriptures and think about what we believe and why we do

A phone call from the primary president. She was asking her to do a special job during sharing time

Legit home grown pumpkin!!!!

My big boys hot, sicky day from a couple of weeks ago. So sad but nice snuggles for Mumma

We ran around the little park a few times, Seth kept saying he was the super fastest but then he conked out on the park bench and pretty much stayed there for the next 20 minutes

Spot the escape artist!

1st home Learning projects this year. Faith's got all her 3 years in one big 60 page clearfile so it'll be quite a collection by the time she finishes year 6

The one night in her life when this lil' plonker protested in her bed and her Dad snuck her in with us. He fell asleep straight away and Dall's and I stayed wide awake for about 2 hours....thanks Dad!