Sunday 27 March 2016

Summerland Fun Run and Uncle Aaron for Dinz

The outdoor auditorium finally opened at school last friday.....and by finally, I mean it was meant to be finished in December last year and now it's the end of March. 

We had our Community Fun Run at school last Friday evening. This little kid got the best deal, the girls walked off with their friends and probably finished half an hour before I walked in last.....literally last....with Seth and Dalls. Despite being last, it was such a fun outing for us. Seth talked pretty much the whole way round about how he's the fastest runner, and 'next year we should just do this in the car Mum!'

This is what the conversation just before I took this grumpy pic...
'Mum we 're thirsty'
'Well let's quickly get in the car and go home for a drink of water'
'oh, but they're selling drinks here'
'No way, I told you we're not buying food here, and I'm definitely not wasting money on drinks when we're only 3 mins from home!'

Such a cool saturday arvo with Uncle Aaron

It took Dalls a while to warm up to this new guy but by the end she was doing little dances right in front of him to get his attention

What a loot bag this girl came away from primary with last week. Apparently she was the star of the month

Family Dinner last sunday at Sister Patty's house

2 little troubles hiding in the bathroom with the rest of Faith's star of the month lollies. She was so good at sharing them one at a time, but these 2 have no self control and as soon as the container was left on the edge of the table they pounced and hid in the bathroom together


  1. Cute! Love seeing all the pics of the parts of your lives that we miss out on xx

  2. I had just showed that dress dalls is wearing to pete tonight at kmart and said can i get it coz i really like it and it was on special but he said no :( so pass it on dallsy babe!!! So funny seeing uncle aaron with a little girl. Hard out stink mum for not buying a drink.....NOT
