Saturday 9 April 2016


Wish I could say we were all said and done with Molluscum/Voldemort, but we're at a stand still unfortunately. Just saw this post that I had drafted from about 3 months ago, so here's what I went through before you came over in December Aunty B!

 About $200 later, after Conzerol (no luck), and onesies, and plasters and wart spray, among other things, and not to mention washing towels like nobody's business, we're still contained to Dalls with 3 spots on Ella's big, muscly thighs!

This turned out to be a bad, bad move. After about 3 days covered like this (I put it on every night after her shower and she slept like this and then I took it all off in the morning and re-applied the next night), all I'd done was succeeded in giving her a really red, rashy, irritated belly!

Gotta buy that wheatgerm spray


  1. Haha! I saw the title of this post and thought 'she didnt tell me they were gone!' So cool they havent got out of control like some people 😬

  2. Oh man just got a doctors appointment to check out Spence's spots so I'll let you know how we go!!!
