Saturday 9 April 2016

Easter and a LONG weekend!

Easter was one of 2 halves for our family this year. 

First of all, Easter in Auckland.....

Our wonderful Primary leaders put on an Easter activity for the kids. Lucky little chickens!

My Easter bunny snuck this amazing box of baking goodness in to my office on the Thursday before good Friday (everyone at work had someone to secretly give something to) and I'm pretty sure I hit the jackpot with my lovely bunny

Farewelling Dad and Ella as they headed down the road to daycare to pick up the little ones and head to Te Haroto for the long weekend

Enjoying a late night feed of fish n chips while watching.....

This was good, but the new ones 'FULLER HOUSE' are even better. I'm pretty sure we watched every episode about 5 times while the family was gone....seriously!

Big baby in Mumma's bed....took me back to the days when we used to sleep in Mum's bed when Dad went away for work. I'm sure I had that big smile (and would've taken selfies if they even existed) when it was my turn

New Beginnings Boot Camp on Good Friday morning

Easter Show delight (the danish ice-cream thing, not the man!)

Don't waste coins trying to get stuff out of the claw games aye Mac. $10 and she walked away with nothing....then her sister came and added another $2...duh!!!!!

A special Leone family outing. So cool!

Such a silly, silly girl. Totally forgot my fuel light was on from the night before. Didn't remember until I was on my way back from Aunty Nae's, on the Western Motorway and it said 5km!!! Watched it go down, 4, 3, 2, 1 and I was still just at the Westgate lights. Lucky I made it in to the Z across from Pak N Save and didn't have my first ever 'run out of petrol experience'.


And Easter for Daddy, Ella, Seffy and Dalls.....

What a mammoth weekend these guys had....down to Hamilton on Thursday night, then on to Te Haroto (arriving at 1:30am). Off to Napier on Saturday arvo until Sunday evening. Then from Te Haroto back to Hamilton on Monday evening, and from Hams to Auckland on Monday night, arriving home at 12:06 in the middle of the night. Lucky we all had Tuesday off kindy/school and work so the kids could relax and I could catch up with 4 loads of washing.

And how blessed they were to have a wonderful time with Grandad Sonny, Grandma Yvonne, Nana Ivy and everyone else. Such a cool few days for my hubby and babies

Now I wonder where everyone will be next easter...actually I know where I'll be!


  1. In labrador? Oh awesome. Cant wait 😜 Man Dalls togs still look so nice and fresh, Jules look terrible. Who wasted their money on the claw things? Faith? I love her tartan shorts. I have a feeling she does too 😉

  2. Love Easter with you & Faithy babe. What are you gonna do if one day they all decide they all wanna stat home with you lol? That'll cramp your relaxing weekend!!
