Monday 25 April 2016

1st Week of April Holidays + ANZAC Day

Cross Country practise at Hillwell park every morning

Home Learning Project: Make a family Tree

The house on our street that's gonna be on the TV programme 'Filthy Rich'

Checking out the cockpit of a real plane outside the museum

Is that the cutest little plane you've ever seen!?!?!?

Texas Chicken Date.....never again!

Yes, she's biting off the big block of cheese!


This is how he'd spend all day every day if I let him

Northhead with Lenoes, Halls, Bennets, Murrays

Date night. Was meant to be burgers and movie 'Hunt for the Wilderpeople', but Joe's work ended up going later that night than we expected so we missed the movie. Had to get delicious waffles instead!

Pretty awesome that our mechanic is right in front of the Swanson Train Station

'Mum, I've got a new hairstyle'

School holiday paperwork.....argh!!!!

This is what happens when you try to skip a daytime sleep for a 2 year asleep at 4:30pm...not cool!

ANZAC day at the Swanson RSA Ceremony

Holidays are half over....I've got anxiety that my free days are coming to an end!


  1. Haha! Dalls and Pete are cheese bandits!! Um...all those buttons in the cockpit hardout make me even more scared to fly :( Wish I hadn't seen them. Man that date night food looks to die for! What was wrong with the Texas one?

  2. Oh yea and I just looked up Filthy Rich. Haha Robertson is famous!

  3. Yea date night food looks to die for alright!!! Can't wait till I get date nights again!!! Just want my date home again already! Was Ella's hair Mum's wig? It looked a little bit different? Is that what kids are meant to do - wear their school uniforms to anzac ceremonies? That's so cute

  4. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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