Friday 4 March 2016

The chop!

Last night I went out and got my hair cut by an old friend, Bergie from the good ol' days in Takapuna ward youth (freaks me out that that's pretty much 20 years ago now!) 

Oh and I might have got the greys dyed out too. 

When I was there I asked her about cutting the girls hair. It hasn't been on my mind or anything, like it doesn't bother me but we just got to talking about how they've still got their baby, fluffy hair, not really a thick ponytail like other girls their age have. She said if I gave it a good cut it would start to thicken up. So that's exactly what I did this afternoon. Now I wish I did it ages ago cause it's made their hair look so healthy and fresh....and they love it too!

Funny how I'm hoping the girls hair will thicken up and I'm at the hairdressers asking for mine to be thinned. I'm convinced no one likes what they've got!

And I'll always say to my girls (and boy) if they ever complain about their hair....'hey, I made your hair just the way I wanted it and I love it'......just like Mum always told me/us growing up :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh man why haven't you sent through pics of your new hair yet?! Are you happy with it? The girls hair looks great by the way!
