Sunday 16 September 2012

I want to be regular!!

and I'm not talking regular with number 2s. I'm talking about regular with 'blogging'. Oh wait, that kinda does sound like poo!!!

I've decided that I'm going to try and put up a new blog post every monday. Probably nothing much exciting, but just 'the things that we do' as Faith likes to say. That might not sound too taxing, but right now Faith's at kindy, Seth's asleep and Ella's screaming while she tries to put on her jacket. It's inside out and upside down so she's not winning with that. I just tried to help her and she said 'get out, I'll put you in your room!'

So here's what we've been up to this last week.
Seth fast asleep in his bassinet
This was the 2nd week in a row that Seth wore a collared shirt to church. He looks pretty chuffed with himself. By the time we got home the whole top of his shirt and onesy were soaking. Time for bibs!
This was Seth on saturday night when Dad took Faith and Ella out to the Christy's farm with help with the Hangi. I was on the computer so he was in the lounge by himself....boring obviously
Joe was just saying a few days ago that he doesn't have photos of him and Seth asleep like he has with the girls (because they were needy as!!!!). Seth's so good that he doesn't need to be cuddled all the time, he actually knows how to have a rest in his bed. But this is one that I managed to get yesterday evening. I took the girls into the room to dress up for a dance show and when we came back the boys were fast asleep.
Faith missed Kindy last Tuesday so we could go to Seth's hearing test at Greenlane. Thankfully everything turned out to be ok (which we'd realised cause he's getting a bit sensitive to noises around the house). Afterwards Faith convinced me to take her to the mall and have a muffin at a a little play on every kids 'put the money in' thing we saw.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! So excited that you want to be regular...I want you to be regular too lol :) Seeing photos of Seth still buzzs me out cause he looks so much like Pod. I'm still not totally used to you guys having a boy yet either! I wonder how long it's gonna take?? I need to see him again for cuddles! He's changing so quickly!! Love you guys xxx
