Saturday 11 January 2014

I wills and I won'ts

There's a blog I read that gave me this great idea the other day....monthly goals. I think this concept of monthly goal setting will be good for me so I can re-set every 4 weeks and move onto new things (or re-do old goals maybe) So here are mine for January

These goals were only made in the last couple of days so as of today I've got 20 days to work on them....

I've already got ideas for what February's goals might be...not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing that I already know more things I'd like to be doing better. Won't bite off more than I can chew though!


  1. This was from Hilarys blog wasn't it! Good idea and some great goals you've thought of xx

  2. Cool Mel! That's a great idea aye. I pretty much need to do all the same ones as you too! Don't complain about your children haha - that's a good one. I'll have to be the monitor on that one cause you probably do most of that complaining about them into my ears! At least I think I do to you lol....hey you need to update Pod's age on the side of the blog cause she was 5 ages ago now!!! And Ella....oh wait no Ella's STILL 3 ;)
