Monday 6 January 2014

Summer School

I've been thinking the past few days that I should get onto some reading and writing with Faith so she doesn't start back at square one when school goes back at the end of Jan.

Today I put those intentions into action and we got started on 'Summer School'. Basically she's got to do a little reading, writing and maths before she's allowed to do any playing or watching TV for the day.

Day one: Huge success

Wish I had a hundred of these books now that we're finally at the stage of learning to read....oldies, but goodies!

Uncle Jared's 35 now so I'd say these books are 30ish years old....WOW, they still do the job!

Little bro and sissy busied themselves with the wiggles DVD while school was in session

Then Ella had a go at the Colours book of activities. 

I feel so much better just knowing we made some kind of effort with school stuff we've just got to make sure we keep up the good work tomorrow and the next day and the next day....


  1. Mac read all our ones of those readers the other night too :) Cool they're going through the next generation! They seem alot easier than the school ones now though aye?

  2. Cool I'm so glad those are still around
