Wednesday 30 April 2014

Deck Cover Part 2

Day 4

Just what we didn't need! Faith was playing on one of the ladders (how many times have I told her not too?!?!?!). She tripped as she was getting off it and it fell into the window in the hallway. SO ANNOYING!

End of Day 4

Day 5....
I did a bit of painting on the fence by the trampoline so I had to take Dilly's baby monitor outside. This little thing gets carried around the house cause even though she's got a pretty intense scream, it's hard to hear through the closed door

 We all did the trip to Mitre 10 together yesterday afternoon.....not the best idea. I had 3 kids yahooing in the playground while I fed a baby and we waited for Daddy Joe to get more supplies (he always takes ages to get supplies)

Aunty Nae and Aunty Beezy, remember how we used to do abacus classes after school when we were little? I wonder what Mac and Faith would think if we put them into that extra curricular activity...lame probably!

Not today sorry Son

We got home from Mitre 10 Mega at 6pm and Daddy Joe went straight out onto the deck and said he'd work until 7:30....not cool with power tools at that hour aye Grandie, I tried to tell him!

Maybe 2 more days to go

Chaos, mayhem, holidays!

Having Dallin just before the school holidays couldn't have been better timing. It means I've got Faith at home to be my helper and keep me company, and I don't have to rush to get her out the door at 8:45. In saying that Ella's still got kindy 3 days in the week and Seth's still going on his wednesdays so we do still have to leave the house, but school drop off at 8:45am and pick up at 3pm is taken out of the mix for 2 weeks and that's fantastic if you ask me. Yesterday I didn't get out of my pjs for the whole day...literally the whole day!

Here's what we got up to

Sethy drew on the front door...the downside of the girls being obsessed with  colouring in at the moment (and yes he does have a very runny nose)

Dilly sleeps through the mayhem down in our room thank goodness

I should have taken a pic of the tent that the girls made with about 15 towels and heaps of washing that I was about to fold. That was just after this was taken and the blocks were begrudgingly put away. Their Dad could sit in a lounge like this all day and have so much fun with them, but unfortunately their Mum lets it be for about half an hour and then makes them pack it all away.

Faith's new watch....not wonderful for telling the time, but yum for eating!
 Faith's daily school work from Mrs Heke

She used to be so reluctant to try and spell words but she's doing pretty good at it now....not sure about 'water' and 'shoe' though!

Karen (my  midwife) came for her last visit a couple of days ago and the girls convinced her to give them each a sheet of they could stick them all over a piece of paper, and all over the carpet!

Everyone loves drawing icecreams around here at the moment

Dallin got her first 2 things in the mail on the same much more exciting than the other!

Are the Pugh's the best or what? Definitely going to visit them when I make it to day!

I saw this on pinterest a while ago and forgot about it. Aunty Clarissa put a pic of it on facebook last week so I made it for the kids last night. A big hit

Love my morning snuggles with this little bug

I asked the girls to hang the washing on the 2 airers....might as well have done it myself cause it was so bunched up it was never gonna dry. After a little lesson on spreading everything out they did much better thank goodness- not rocket science afterall!

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Deck Cover Part 1

We've wanted to cover the deck for so long, but haven't gotten around to it (time and money, never enough of either!!!!).

The time has finally come and Joe the builder is 3 days in to getting it done. Still quite a bit to do but here's what's been done so far.

Day 1:

Day 2 (Emmanuel came to work for the of Dad's concreting crew who lives down the road)

Lunch for the boys on Saturday

Emmanuel got put on fence duty. This fence has always bugged my husband because of the colour, can't say I ever think about it, but he's finally painting it black

Dilly slept most of the day away not worrying about the nail gun and saw right outside her window

Day 3:

Because the rafters will be easier to paint before the top goes on, we've had to start thinking about what colour our house will be when we finally get around to painting it

And that's where it's up to at the moment. Hopefully by the weekend it'll be all covered from the elements thanks to my clever DIY husband! And for a fraction of the $12K it would have cost to have someone else come in and do it.