Monday 21 April 2014

Reverent Book for Ella D

A reverence book I made for Ella's birthday (using a template off pinterest)

We need a new family photo!

It's got about 20 pages and each one has a write-up and picture to explain a different aspect of the gospel. I'm hoping it will serve as a quiet book in sacrament and a teaching aide for FHEs. Now I need to think of some kind of church book to make for Faith's birthday this year cause the other 2 kids are both getting one now.....which reminds me of the busy book Mum made me. So cool to know that this book was made for me by my Mumma and no one can dispute that with the name of the book being 'Melissa's Book'!!!

Taking pics of this tonight made  me think three things
1. How lucky am I that my Mum made me this special book that I can keep and pass on to my children
2. How on earth did she find the time to make such a cool book, that would have been so time consuming to put together
3. I must get it out for my children to use (they'd love to learn how to do the giraffe's bows and the lion's plait)

Thanks Mumma! xoxo (Grandmumma!)

1 comment:

  1. Yea you are really lucky to have that book! I had to buy that one for Mac back a couple of years ago but it's nowhere near as cool as Mumma's one & the boys don't even get into it :(
