Sunday 27 April 2014

Stuff Lately x5

We had no idea she could write her name but here's the evidence that she can in fact do it. She said a few nights  ago she could do it and we both didn't believe her so she sat down in front of us and said 'I can, I'll show you!'. The first one was the top left, then she got a bit mixed up and did the back to front one, then the one underneath. Pretty proud of my little nearly 4 year old!

99% of the pictures of Dallin would have one believe she's asleep all the time but unfortunately night time is a different story, especially 12:30-4am last night!!!!!
A few pics of Daddy Joe's phone from when Dallin was born...

Monitoring on the evening of finding out that I'd probably be induced the next day

After induction begun and not a whole lot happened Faith came to visit me after school

And then everyone came back after having pizza for dinner. Getting quite sore every 10 minutes or so but then it dropped off so I did a bit of walking around the hospital. Was so boring to be stuck there for the whole time....and with no TV in my room!

And the real thing began...ouch!

Ouch again! Always makes me think of Mumma when I suck for dear life on that gas cause I always remember her saying she liked it. It is a pretty mean sensation I must admit

I did it! Phew

Had to take a pic of how Faith likes to sleep cause this is also what her Dad does. I think it's so uncomfortable, how can you relax and sleep with your knees in the air?

A special pressie from our Primary President. She wore the booties and beanie to church for her first time.

Dallin's first time at church (3 weeks 2 days)

Faith's first haircut ever (5 years 7 months). She was so so so excited and boggly. She's wanted a haircut for so long but her hair is the slowest growing I've ever seen. And it wasn't cut last night because it was long but because it was so dry at the end. Hope there's some truth to the old wives tale that your hair grows faster if you give it a cut.

Some of Ella's 'fluff' was cut off too, and she insisted on naming her bag herself

Now that the girls are prolific artists, I find pics like this all around the house

Dallin was screaming for Ella's kindy pick up today. As soon as we got inside I said she could have a quick hold before I fed her, turns out Dilly just wanted a snuggle from her big sissy then I wrapped her and put her straight in bed. Ella is such a wonderful baby helper!


  1. Cute to all of that! Love Pod's boggle getting her hair cut ;) Can't wait to see if it grows faster now!

  2. Ditto. Cool to all of that.... Except the ones where you look like you're dying ��
