Tuesday 8 April 2014


5 days ago my little angel Dallin Ligaya Heke was born. I don't even know where to start with writing about how she came into this world, so I'll just add some pictures with captions for now. Daddy Joe's got a few different pics on his phone but this'll have to do for now.

A long, slow induction meant hospital food a few times....not that I felt like eating

The waiting was torture!

After my waters being broken we got told to go for a walk around the hospital grounds....that turned into a walk over the road so Daddy Joe could stock up on 2 pies, 2 pizza sticks and a donut. He kept saying he felt like he needed to have a full tummy for what was ahead?!?! Watching me have a baby?

And away we go....1 hour 15 minutes after starting and she was here

Being born at 2:05pm was perfect for Daddy Joe to race in and pick up Faith at 3pm. Pretty cool moment to see her walk in and meet our baby for the first time

'Faith's soap' (we always had to use it when she was in SCBU so the smell will forever remind us of our biggest girl)

My little zebra ready to go home about 3 hours after she was born

My goodness there is so much love in Ella's heart for her little Dallin. As I type this they're sitting in the lounge together having morning cuddles

Aunty Nae was an angel sent from heaven to look after the big girls for the weekend (with Grandie and Uncle Stanie). Can't thank them enough!

1st time in her bassinet

Big brother's pretty good with her....most of the time

1st time going to the mall (day 2) to pick up a few things from the supermarket

Because Daddy Joe's busy at work at the moment I didn't get to keep him at home as a helper unfortunately. So on Monday morning we were up bright and early to do the school/kindy drop off. Faith was so proud to show Dallin to everyone. She walked in pretty much calling out to anyone who would listen 'this is my new sister!!!'

Pick up on Monday afternoon. She did the pushchair most of the way to the car and then said it was just too heavy (and the street is pretty much flat!)

This little darling loves to sleep on the beanbag. For this sleep I saved her from pokers and prodders in the lounge by hiding her in Seth's room

Could fill an album with pics of these two having snuggles

Mummy and big boy...all of a sudden he's huge, and talking like nothing

Day 4....first time to the supermarket and it went better than expected thank goodness

And there you have it. She's here, She's safe, healthy, happy, sleepy and gorgeous. I/We love her to pieces and are so excited to watch her grow - but not too fast!

Oh and her name is Dallin after Dallin H Oaks (Dad's favourite apostle) & Ligaya (said Lee-guy-ya) meaning Joy in Filipino (a tribute to Dad's mission).

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