Monday 22 December 2014

12 Days of Christmas - Part 2

Day 5 - Washi Tape Christmas Tree

Day 6 - Straw Christmas Tree (fail so we gave up)

Day 7 - Christmas Carolling at Waitakere Hospital, Lei's and a family in Ranui

At all the places we sang at we started off singing 'Picture a Christmas' as a family and then the YSAs sang Away in a Manger and Silent Night. A cool experience for us as a family

Day 8 - Gingerbread Houses (or should I say 'Nice Biscuit Houses!)

Seth's one

Ella's one

Guess who?!?!?!?

Poor Dilly was over the day by the time we started working on our houses. Not surprising after the sad, sore little time she's had today :(
Daddy Joe's birthday tomorrow.... Yay, Seth's so excited to sing 'Happy Birthday Mine Daddy' at the top of his lungs. And Faith's excited to choose him a good dinner ('Not one you make Mum, one we go and buy!')

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