Monday 8 December 2014

Stuff Lately x 20

All out of order & can't be bothered putting it right.

Family Weekend in Hamilton

A new Kmart (kind of with an American feel I reckon, even though I've never been there!) Will definitely be back

The Elkington's backyard camping ground

Uncle Jonathon's birthday dinner, KFC, donuts and icecream at the park

2010 girls. All gonna turn 5 next year.....March - Te Korowai, May - Ella, September - Anaya Bree

After the party, heading out to stay at Grandma Rose's

Sitting up asleep for prayers

They loved waking up at Grandma's and realising Hunter and Christian live in the house fun is that!!!!

All the NZ Hekes minus Teina and TJ

Mummy's little helper to put up the Christmas Tree. I felt kinda bad cause when he saw me carrying this box inside he got all excited and started saying 'Deppy new bike!' Sorry son!

Prune Juice for my still blocked up baby :(

Gate crashing Faith's Pod picnic last week

Seth was checkin' out everyone's bags and fully sat down to inspect this one....maybe I should buy him 10 keyrings for christmas

A nutella sandwich while watching Mum hang out the washing

These big critters disappeared down the driveway to enjoy their outdoor morning tea

Waterpolo spectators

Summerland Gala. Our 3rd time going together

Found Bob like this one night last week. I kept hearing the blocks in her room so I thought she was still up mucking around with them but it just her moving in her sleep. New blocks or toys in bed!

Grapefruit drink...takes me back to my childhood of having to squeeze them on a sunday afternoon.....hated that job, but loved going back to those young, carefree days in my mind

The new addition to the home gym

1 comment:

  1. Love update posts & all those gorgeous pics of my adorable nieces & nephew xoxo Feel like I haven't seen them for ages!!
