Monday 1 December 2014

FHE - I will go, I will do....

Mum has had enough!!!!!

'Put your shoes on Faith' - no response

'Ella stop using that pen, it'll go through to the glass, use the pencil instead' - no response

'Seth take your crackers to the table please' - no response

No one listens to me and I'm sick and tired of it!!!!!

So last night our lesson started off by Who am I?

I'm a boy
I lived with my family (brothers and Mum and Dad)
I was asked to build a ship
I got the brass plates off Laban
I was obedient to what I was asked to do.

....and then it turned into me ranting about how no one ever listens to me, obedience is at an all time low..... It's like I'm talking to a brick wall, or thin air!

The words to the chorus of Nephi's courage changed from

I will go, I will do, the things the Lord commands
I know the Lord provides a way, he wants me to obey
I will go, I will do, the things the Lord commands
I know the Lord provides a way, he wants me to obey


I will go, I will do, the things that my Mum asks
I know my Mummy loves me and she wants me to be happy
I will go, I will do, the things that my Mum asks
I will be obedient and do it with a smile!

Then we made Happy Mum Masks (this is what I'm supposed to look like when everyone is obedient)

Ella said I'd say 'Good job' if she's obedient

Faith said I'd be the 'Nice Mum Ever' if she was obedient

I said the kids would be 'Awesome' if they listened to me

This morning they've been fantastic....whatever I've asked they've done a cheesy 'OK Mum'.
Lovin' it! Long may it last!

And this little flippn egg needed a picture last night. I was rushing trying to get them all in the car to take a dinner up the road to a family that's just had a baby. While I was putting Dallin in the car (30 seconds max), this kid got in the bath with everything, pants, jacket....everything, even a poo in his nappy! ARGH!!!!!!!

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