Tuesday 24 February 2015

FHE - Love Month x3

When we talked about who we love a few weeks ago, we realised that family is right up there at the top of the list. So tonight I had a big family tree type picture (lovin' my big roll of paper from Ikea!), and we started writing what we love about members of our family. We only chose one person each so it's gonna take a while till we get it finished...there's a whole lotta people on that picture!

We talked about when you love someone that it's nice to tell them why you love them and what you love about them. Gotta be more free and up with the play when it comes to giving compliments

Then I introduced our new Heke Kids Job Chart. Soooo simple so surely we can handle it. Well I surely hope so. They could hardly sit still while I was explaining it cause they were so excited to see their job for the week and run off to do it!

Ella's gotta dry the dinner dishes for the week (lucky I bought all those plastics from Ikea cause that's all we'll be using now that the kids are on dishes!)
Seth's on putting shoes away every night from the front door. It's surprising (and so annoying) how many shoes can accumulate there after just one day. At least 2 pairs each
And Faith's on making sure all the toys and books on the hallway bookshelf are contained on the shelf and not spilling out all over the floor. Once again....annoying!

I'm hoping this will be the start of the kids really joining in with family responsibilities. These jobs were chosen very, very carefully cause we need them to feel like they can succeed and with these 3 things, all 3 of them CAN do them. Whether they will choose to or not is another issue. I'm hoping the $2 reward will be enough of a carrot to entice them.

Faith already understands that when Dad's at home and doesn't work for the day, Daddy doesn't get paid. And it will be the same for her. If she doesn't work, she won't get paid so to speak

Refreshments. I've seen these for a while now and never bought them. Now that I have, I could be doing so quite regularly.....Everyone LOVED them!


  1. Yip I love those mell. Sooooo much better than the other ones for Mr. Oh man can't wait to give Jules some hobbies!!

  2. I've been meaning to try those too, so I'll have to get around to it now that I know they're good :)
