Thursday 19 February 2015

Trip to the Goldie for Baby Julie's Blessing

 It's exactly a week ago that Grandie and I were taking off from Akld Airport bound for Brisbane and then straight down to the Goldie......Excited to meet baby Julie for the first time, (and nervous about flying), and a little bit missing my babies at home already. 

Lots of pics, but as usual, wish I had more.
Stone's House

Grandie meeting Julie for the first time (apart from the fleeting visit the night before as she slept on her little mattress on the lounge floor)

This little doll is absolutely gorgeous. I miss seeing her sweet lil' cheeks and hearing her cute squawks. My baby backseat buddy!

Rondo, for Spence!

Good, but nothing on Kiwi Fish n Chips (even though the shop was 'Kiwi Takeaways')

The 5km run.....pretty hardout.....and HARD!

Ikea for lunch, I've said it before and I'll say it again 'I want an Ikea in NZ!'

Blessing Day

Had to take a pic of the carpark when we arrived cause we were the first ones there.....the very first....and we'd even had to pick someone up on the way!

How many people does it take to put down a wheelchair? 4 people and about 15 minutes....with a 'call to a friend for help!'

So excited to take the girls to ChCh in a couple of weeks to see more cuzzies. They're gonna 'LOVE  it!

Uncle James and Uncle Tyrone had the BBQ going good guns....some yummy chicken, chops and sausies right there!
 Aaron's Ponderosa

When I got home I wondered why I never seemed to see the kids for the whole afternoon, then I remembered they were all in here the whole time.

Movie room with 8 lazy boys!

This little princess probably has more clothes than I've ever seen a baby have, and she definitely wears the least clothes I've ever seen a baby wear?!?!?!?! Not surprised though's hot over there!

Nanny and Grandie

A bit hard to tell, but there's 3 of my baby's photos on Nan's bench

My/Julie's room

 Last minute trip to Surfer's on the morning we left....Trust Dad!

Under the play gym that her clever Dad made

Aunty Mel misses this lil' dumbo sucker!

And it was all over just like that....lucky I was wearing glasses at the end to kinda hide the sniffs and tears!
 As much as I loved my was great to come back to my home sweet home. My hubby Joe had done an awesome job at Daddy duties, and 'home making'. He's one capable guy that's for sure. 
I'm spoilt by his skills! (Napolean Dynamite)

Just before I hopped into bed I had to quickly show my bargains...old habits die hard
For my babies...

For my hubby....

For me. Maybe a little lame to come home with only plastic serveware for myself/family, but I'm really happy with very well spent!
 Loved being reunited with these happy 'wake up' faces in the morning. And aunty Beezy you win the prize for best present. What kid wouldn't like Pez?!?!?!?

Bring on Christmas when we all get to spend time with a one year old Julie and her Mum and Dad. Until then, regular Skype dates will have to do.


  1. Oh man i LOVED that. So glad I can count on you to document such a cool weekend. Bring on chrissy!!!!
