Thursday 5 February 2015

January Date Night - Date in a Box

Our January Date night was a fun, inexpensive one....and didn't involve fancy clothes or a babysitter!

I sent this to my hubby on Monday and thankfully he RSVP'd Yes so I got a few things ready for our date in a box....easy peasy.
(In the box was sparkling grape juice, candles, chocolate milk, picnic blanket, tomato sauce, tartare sauce, DVD, chocolate, 2 peaches)

The idea was that we'd have a candle lit picnic of fish n chips after the kids went to bed, and watch a DVD. But I got on a roll with book covering (flippn' duraseal!), and kept saying 'hold on, I'm nearly done'. By the time I was finished, the fish 'n chip shop had closed, so that meant my super hubby shot down to McDs instead. Anyone who knows me will know that there were no complaints on my part. 
A Big Mac is good any night of the week!

So while he was out getting that, I set up the romantic!

And we didn't end up watching a DVD afterall. We both love our Friday nights of The Graham Norton Show and Live at the Apollo so that was fine for us. A pretty cheap date considering it wasn't a restaurant dinner and we didn't need to fork out for a babysitter

I'm already trying to think of what to do for Feb. Another idea for home, lounge, kids in bed. Going out is good but staying home might be just as good I reckon...or maybe even better!

(Will try and get more pics next time)

1 comment:

  1. Cool. Yea home dates are pretty good aye 👍 love not having to deal with a babysitter before & after!
