Thursday 19 February 2015

Valentines 2015

I wasn't at home for Valentine's Day this year so I had to think of a little something I could surprise my love with while I was away. Here's what did the trick....

I'd seen a valentines day gift idea before using matchboxes (pinterest), but didn't know that I'd ever be able to do it because I don't think I'd go through that many matches in a lifetime. So I shelved the idea and didn't think about it again until I was walking through the Look Sharp store last week and found these little beauties.....


So I made some lovey labels....

And then typed out a letter to my  hubby, cut it up into 10 strips, each to be folded up and put in a box. I could have added m&ms or something to the boxes, but didn't get around to that unfortunately. So just a letter it was.

Cheap, thoughtful and super duper even!

And I came home to this fancy new lightshade in our living room.  (He got us a new lightshade for our room for Valentine's Day last year)

I must say I'm pretty impressed with both of us. We both managed to think of eachother on 'Love Day' when we were 2223.12km apart! (approximately)

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