Wednesday 28 October 2015

Stuff Lately x 27

This kid in her little cage at the end of the big girl's bunks. Sometimes I feel bad they're all squished in there like sardines but then I think it's pretty cool that it works and they do actually love it. Pretty cool to have 3 lil sissys in one room

Just found this easter card from Nan to the girls from earlier this year...precious. Sad there won't be any more cards like this arriving in the mail :(

I think I got this in March this my name should be put up on the wall for the 25 donation people. Woohooo!
Curry once a week now that we know about these babies

Anniversary winning when my one and only was in Perth for our 8th

The 2 reps from Room 5 to stand up and speak at Mr Sumich's farewell. She got the whole crowd in stitches by opening by saying. 'Here's what we think of Mr Sumich....he's handsome!!!!'

We're on our 4th straight week of road works down the road next to us. Flippn' annoying with how slow it's all going, and especially with these big trucks rumble past our house every night and morning (they shut the road and work through the night). Our poor house shakes like its the foundations are cracking and its about to fall apart. But Dalls and I had a great time watching them go past one night and these guys were boggling hardout with having an audience!

A pretty fun trip to the new NorthWest Mall with Ella, Grandie and the lil brown boys.

We picked up Faith from her party at the trampoline place and the lady insisted they all take a cupcake....awesome, straight after they'd each had a chocolate bar!

This pic doesn't really show just how much marg was on the bread. Grandie was in charge of buttering the bread for our little sausie sizzle. Each slice I took I had to scrape marg off, and I was putting it all onto this piece. At the end he goes 'oh, was I putting too much on?' Um, yeah!!!!!!!

Special moment for me and Mac right there!

This kid never falls asleep in the lounge like this and I thought cause it was about 3pm and we hadn't put her down for nap she'd just had to stay up till bedtime. She had other plans and kipped out for a sleep while her Dad watched a movie

And this big boy has dropped his daytime sleep now that he's only at home on the weekends, but it all gets a bit much for him sometimes and we find him like this somewhere in the house

Cheerio and sauce dinner....we go gourmet round here!

Just about to go for our family run around the block. Ella and I went one way, Dad and Faith went the other way. We've got to keep doing it cause one of Faith goals is to run around 2x without stopping

Gotta do a bit more than reading, writing and maths with my kiddies so we made lemonade last week, with a bikkie for a special treat of course

Heaven right there. If these are a limited edition or disappear for some reason I'll be gutted. They're soooo good

Last Sunday Brother Heke promised to make a podium for the kids to stand on for the primary presentation. So what did he do? Even though he had 2 full days at home last week, he left it until about 5pm on Saturday night to start doing it

Finished product. Not too flash to look at, but it'll do the job. On the tiny step that was there we could hardly see Faith or Ella and Seth was totally hidden when they got up to practise their song. Now they'll be high enough for all the world to see. Less than 2 weeks to go now....exciting!

And I do believe this little guy is left handed. I'm chuffed cause I think it's amazing that people can get their left hand to write, and I'm also a bit worried cause I see kids struggle with writing the start at least. But he does hold the pencil well so that's awesome. Since teaching 5 year olds and seeing the weirdest ways of holding pencils, grip is super duper important.
Now I'm excited and sad and scared and happy that this boy will start school in under 2 years....wowzers!

Friday 23 October 2015

Minute to Win It- Ward Activity

This morning we helped to organise a 'Minute to Win it' themed ward activity. A little bit of healthy competition, fun for the whole family.....Such a great saturday morning!!!!

When everyone arrived we started off with a prayer and briefly explained each activity. Then it was basically 1.5 hours to go around and try everything, in whatever order you wanted....just go for it. And once you'd done everything once you could go back to challenges to try and get a better score. It was great that as more people arrived, they could see what was going on and join in without a problem. In the end we probably had about 60 people all fighting it out for prizes!

So here's the 10 activities that we did.

Choose a weight (kids 5kg, women 10kg, men 20kg) and do as many bicep curls as you can in 1 minute. The guys were a bit slow to warm up on this but in the end there was a show down with a few guys trying to beat their own scores, and eachothers.

That brother on the right of the pic had 4 goes at it!

Bishop trying to beat the younger guys

Tie an ice-cream container around your waist (with my dressing gown tie). The container had a piece sliced out like a mailbox (about 12cm across and 5 cm high). Shake around until the 5 ping pongs fall out. 60 second max, best time wins.

Connect the blocks in the correct pattern. How many can you get in sequence in 1 minute?

Throw the beanbags into the boxes and add up points in 60 seconds

I think I got 180 for this. Best score was 400!

Run between cones, each way is a point. How many shuttle runs can you do in 1 minute? I did 28, the winner got 34!

This was the coned off area to the right, under the hoop. 60 seconds to keep 2 balloons in the air (and in the area) by using 2 wooden batons. If they hit the ground, that time was your score (eg 43 seconds).

Put letters of the alphabet and numbers 1-10 in order in 60 seconds. At the end of the time, add up how many were in the correct order

Bounce ping pong on table and catch in cup, put in another cup and do the same, put in another cup and do the same. How many seconds to get them all done (7 cups high). If you finished before the minute was up, your time was your score.

Cover eyes with blindfold, one hand behind back, the other hand using the big spoon to scoop cotton balls from one bowl to another. At the end of 60 seconds, count how many you got over to the new bowl.

Put bikkie on your forehead and walk/run around a course within 1 minute. Score is many seconds to get back to the start

Each person running an activity had a kids score sheet and an adults score sheet so it was easy to identify the winner for each category at the end

We'd bought enough chocolate bars for each winner to choose one, and the kids to all get a funsize treat, and then someone turned up with a box of 50 kingsize bars, so everyone walked away happy!!!

It was great, definitely one to do again with different challenges next time. Some great ideas for FHE games. And one of the best things was that people could join in and we only had to buy balloons, ping pong balls and bikkies to do it. Everything else was from home (or school!)

Now I'm watching my hubby and Ella (and kind of Seth) make a step for the kids to stand on at the pulpit for the primary presentation....while Dallin cries inside next to me :(