Saturday 10 October 2015

General Conf. October 2015

General Conference done and dusted again and this time round it was such an enjoyable experience. We combined with the Leone's and Grandie which could have gone so terribly badly, but I really thought it was great....for everyone. And we did it where each adult chose a talk for us to watch (based on the talk titles). I felt it made it more captivating cause we were listening to talks that people in the room had chosen to watch, not necessarily what was actually in one session.
The new way forward for us I think.

So last night I got my Mrs Heke on and sorted out a rotation of activities for the kids. Definitely worth the preparation. And I've already got ideas for next years activities...

I was thinking I'd just put it all out for the kids to help themselves to, but then I remembered back to school and realised if I did that they'd flick through everything in 5 mins and then be hassling us for food or drinks or more activities. So that's why I went school teacher on them and organised the proper schedule. Talks are pretty much 15 minutes long give or take and I'd say they did about half of that time pretty focused on their activity and then  started floating around a little. Then just before I started the new clip, I got out the new activity for each group of kids.

It all worked out for everyone, no one had to leave the room, no one broke down, no one hurt anyone, Dalls went to sleep after 2 talks and slept for the rest. Sweet!

And the 'lollies' talk at the end was the final hit.

And then it was straight out to the deck for sausie rolls and salad wraps.

And just as we farewelled the Leone's and Grandies, Aunty Natty and the boys arrived, so now we're entertaining them (trying to keep them off the trampoline for the sabbath is no mean feat).

So after a wonderful, spiritual and family day, my hubby and I will probably sit down later and recap what we've learnt. At the moment I'm just happy to take the win with entertaining the kids. Gotta get better from here on out.


  1. Mell we're so super blessed to have you & your teaching talents in our family!! Thank you so much for all you organized for the kids & for us today. We had such a cool time & the little activities you prepared worked so well :) Oh & thanks so much for the super yummy lunch. Feel like that's such a cool little tradition you've started so we'll be looking forward to when the next conference rolls around in 6 months time! Love you lots xoxo

  2. Awesome!!!! Yea I hope Jules gets to join in in the not to distant future!
