Sunday 4 October 2015

Father's Day 2015

Last month we celebrated Father's day with this exceptionally awesome Dad. To say my kids are blessed with such a great Dad is like the biggest understatement ever!!!!!

And I feel bad that all we managed to do for him was make  a CD made from songs we already had and buy him 4 chocolate bars (each baby chose one, and then proceeded to give it to him and expected him to give it straight back to them and let them eat it!)

We had a nice visit with his Uncle who we found out was in Auckland Hospital that morning. So we didn't end up having the Roast Lamb dinner I'd planned of having, but still had a special family afternoon.

We had surprise waffles for breakfast, probably more for me than him! And Faith had written what she loves about him on lots of cardboard hearts that we taped to the window in the kitchen which was a cool surprise when he rolled the blinds up

1 comment:

  1. Cute, that would've been such a cool surprise when he rolled the blind up :) Pod's writing is so good
