Saturday 5 December 2015

Boards and Beads (Summerland Gala 2015)

I've been to the Summerland Gala 3 times now, twice as a shopper/guest/visitor/parent, and now once as a staff member. I prefer the former, even though it was pretty fun to get  stall ready to sell some little crafty things. 

Britt and I decided to do chalkboards (and a few whiteboards and prints), and wooden bead necklaces. It took us about 2 week to get our things ready and we ended up with about 30 boards and 100 necklaces to sell.

This was our mock set up outside our rooms
The real thing.
We sold about 70 necklaces and 20 frames so it was a pretty good effort. And then we found out a couple of days ago that our pod raised the most money!!!

What Ella got at the White Elephant Crap stall. She was lucky enough to have a walk through on the day before the gala cause the teachers were allowed to go through it all first. I lost in the duplo department (pretty disappointing cause I knew there was about 3 times the amount we already have at home), but I totally won in the costumes department so for Christmas Seth's getting 2 new costumes that I'd already bought him and another 4 that I got from the hall.

Glad it's over for the year and already thinking about what I'm going to do for next year


  1. Oh man youre guys was so the best and i didnt wven see the other ones!!

  2. Yep your idea was totally a winner alright!!! So cool you raised the most money ��
