Thursday 10 December 2015

Sunday Arvo with the Whatas

8 years in to my marriage and we've just now met up with a cousin/aunty and her family that are so so cool. We went to their house last sunday for lunch and had a really great afternoon, like we've known them for years. Well, Joe does know them, but I felt so comfortable, the kids love it. Great all round!

How cool was their music room upstairs!!! (notice the towels on the drumkit to dull the sound this kid created)

Thank goodness we don't often go to houses with stairs cause this little girl loved them but I had visions of her falling from the top right down to the bottom...about 20 stairs!

And because they live in Cornwall Park, we had to go for a Sabbath day kind of play with the kids

Daddy Joe and Aunty Alisha (no pic of Uncle Stan unfortunately)

Will definitely be keeping in touch for more whanau catch ups with the Whatas for sure


  1. Oh well I was doing my newsletter but you twisted my arm to read this instead. Shame it wasn't longer ;) How are they related? Classic train shots. Love it

  2. Bummer, would've loved to have seen Uncle Stan haha....that looked like heaps of fun. Yea, how are they related?
