Saturday 5 December 2015

Stuff Lately x 28

At a welcome powhiri for new kids that started school in Term 4. So cool to see this little wahine in the kapa haka

At a primary presentation practise...flippn' Dalls

A fun evening and dinner at the Bradfield's home

A few pics from the party on Halloween from the Dad of the party boy. He's got a great camera and sent these to me the other day

Poor Ella ran head on into someone during lunchtime :( Lucky Dad was at home so she got to come home and rest (read: play at home) for the afternoon.

We had a ward potluck dinner a few weeks ago because there's a new Samoan ward and quite a few of our members left to attend it. The game Joe did at the start was sooo much fun, and got quite competitive. Try and pop everyone else's balloon and be the last one standing.

Poor Dalls at the hairdressers. Ella needs a hair licence bigtime!

Love looking at the my babies on my way to bed. This kid always has at least 2 or 3 toys with him, sometimes 10!

Ella's been obsessed with the sleeping bag since we had it out for the Hall's BBQ over a month ago. I tried to make her bed with fresh sheets yesterday and she acted like I was trying to kill her when I said I wanted to roll up the sleeping back and put it away. Whatever, I just walked away from that battle

Since my hubby's had quite a bit of time at home lately, he's been doing the washing, grocery shopping etc. One day last week I asked him to get lamb chops out of the freezer and peel some potatoes for dinner. When I came in the house smelt so good, like there was a delicious dinner brewing. And brewing it was, turns out he's put the chops, potatoes, and cauliflower leaves (he'd just cut them off the big plants growing along the front of the house) and put them all in one big pot with water!!!

So although it smelt really nice, I bought dinner on my way to youth that night

Oh, and he made some kind of dough and added like circles of dough to the pot as well

A year 4 class had a market day at school on Friday. I went in with $10 to see if there might be a cupcake or something I could buy. A girl had a really big nail kit and was doing manicures for $3 so I sat down at her little station and gave her my $10. She got all flustered and said she couldn't work out the change. Thankfully we figured out that $3 and $7 makes $10 so she needed to give me $7 change. But then she fumbled around in her kit and gave me some photocopied coins. Awkward (as Faith would say, she's just learnt what that means). So I quickly took my $10 back and said I'd talk to her teacher to sort her out for the money. So cute how she did the pink nails and added some beads!

Seffy and Dad surprised us at school with frozen slushies on Friday after his christmas party. Joe was Santa....I know, you'd never pick that he'd ever be asked to be Santa, but he did it really well of course. Dalls wouldn't go near him cause she couldn't figure out it was her Dad, even when he kept talking to her, and Seth calls out 'it's my Dad with a massive tummy!'

This is how we rolled on our trip to Hamilton yesterday. I put my foot down and said no eating in the car cause I'm so sick of having crumbs and packets left in there. That pretty much left us with nothing to do but talk, fight, sing and put stickers all over our faces!

Look who served us at McDs Rototuna last night!!!!

How many people does it take to hook up a car to tow home? 2 men and 5 little kids
My garden is growing like it's on steroids, so much so that we're struggling to keep up with it

Homemade beetroot. Yummy!


  1. Oh those beautiful lamb chops! 😭 Love those sleeping pics. Man if a teacher cam to my station i would be sooooo flustered id hate it!! Poor girl

  2. Love that Ella's recruited Dalls to be her model for hairdressing practice lol... That's awesome! How long does she last for?!! Bet Ella wishes her hair would hurry up & grow faster! Love all those pics x
