Monday 21 December 2015

Primary Presentation 2015

A month or 2 late in coming, but here's a few pics of my babies on the day of their primary presentation. So proud of all of them even though it was touch n go there at the beginning with Seth. He was so good at practising his song at home 'Jesus said love everyone....', but his little brain short circuited just before it was the nursery's time to sing. Instead of standing up there proudly with a big beaming smile, he stood up there with a grumpy face and didn't sing a word!
 Thankfully by the time it was the Heke children's time to sing the 4th Article of Faith he'd had his happy pills and they all did really well.

Crazy to think that next year Seth might do a talk in front of everyone. Wow, this coming sunday is his last week in nursery, then he moves up to Sunbeams. Holy moly, how did that happen? I remember being the nursery leader when he was 'underage' to be in there. Time really does fly!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous babies! Man I love seeing Pod in our old dress! Does she mind wearing it at all? Will Ella be o.k with wearing it?
