Sunday 5 May 2013

Blessings, Blessings and more blessings

Without going into boring detail, let me just say that I know that my Father in Heaven hears and answers my prayers. This has become so apparent to me over the past fortnight, so much so that it's almost beyond belief. That's why I'm writing this, so I can look back on it and always remember that when you draw near unto him and plead, ask, pour out your heart, he does actually listen and care and love.
By saying this I don't mean that whatever we ask for we get immediately and exactly how we want because that's not the case, but I just know that he listens and does what's best for us.

Here's just some of the ways that we've been blessed lately and they've all been answers to prayers/fasting.

-The girls are starting to make big improvements regarding their church behaviour.

-After only 2 days of putting my name in for relieving (with holidays in between), I'm already booked in for 6 days work

-Uncle Stanie and Richie are helping us get a website up for Rock FX, not only just helping us with who to talk to, but actually giving us ideas and working through the process alongside us. After our talk with them last week we looked at eachother and had a big hug because we both knew it was an answer to our prayers even beyond what we'd asked for! Big Fist pump moment :)

-Ella can go to Summerland Kindy probably in about August/September which is perfect timing for when Faith starts school and their hours will be almost identical so I'll only have to do one pick up/drop off per dreams came true on that one!

-I got to go to the temple on Saturday with our ward after thinking all week that I wouldn't be able to
go. And our children were all cared for by Uncle Johnny and Aunty Tan. Awesome!!!!

That's just a small fraction of what's happened for us lately. Now I've got a new excitement for prayer and fasting....and that's not because I think I'll get what I want, but because I really feel like I'm developing a more close and personal relationship with my Father in Heaven and I'm excited to talk to him every day.

Just thought I'd write those thoughts down.

The perfect pic for how I feel


  1. So cool!! And the perfect pic for you too :) Man imagine when Faith & Ella are both at school & kindy!! What will you & Seffy do with yourselves??!!
