Sunday 5 May 2013

Sleepover with Paloogie

We did swapsies with Ella and Mac so it was easy on my end with Faith, Mac and Seth to look after. And Aunty Nae and Uncle Stanie said it was cool to have Pency and Ella. Win-win!

Here's what we got up to...

Dinner was Bacon, Corn and Parsley Quiche. As soon as Mac got to the table and looked in his bowl he walked straight to the fridge and got out the BBQ sauce (that came over from Grandie's house). Is that a habit from what he does at home or is that cause he needed to drown a yuck dinner in some kind of sauce?  I didn't know if I should be offended about that or not :)


 Pre-bed warm down was Chipmunks The Squeaquel with a biscuit and apple. They watched for a while and then turned to making paper places. Paloogie is hardout good at making planes. Faith was a real amateur. I kept saying I was going to take them to bed but because they were behaving so well, I didn't actually follow through with it until Mac came up and said 'Aunty Mel, you keep saying you'll take us to bed and you're not...can you take us now please?' Haha

Bed time went really smoothly and so did the morning wakeup. After a false alarm with Mac at 5:30, they managed to stay in their beds until 6:20 at which point I set them up in the lounge with their movie on and went back to bed myself until Seth woke up at 7:20. I was a little concerned about what I'd walk out to at 7:20, but it was all good. They'd watched the movie and played with their planes again. Sweet!!!!!


 I'm so excited to do this more. As the kids get older it will be better and better I'm sure. Now Faith's in the process of learning the Leone's phone number. I'm a bit hesitant to help her know it 100% on her own. But if she does, her and Mac can wander round the house having their funny convos I'm sure. I love hearing them 'chat' on the phone. And I love CUZZY TIME. (AND AUNTY/UNCLE/NEPHEW/NIECE TIME!)

Oh, and Paloogie and Paradontax were stuck in my head all day so everyone got called that. I guess that's a bit of Kel in me!


  1. So glad it went well on both ends. We had a cool time with little dynamite but I didn't get pics so I can't do a post this time. Is paradontax a kind of toothpaste or something? I feel like I've heard it before?

  2. Yeah I heard that ad earlier in the day and it stuck in my mind so everything became Paradontax. Hey I just dropped Faith at kindy (an hour late!) and they were starting news time about the best thing they did in the holidays. Faith got up and said 'in the holidays my cousin came to sleepover and the next day we went to the park' That was the highlight of her hols!!!!!
