Sunday 19 May 2013

What the heck?

Some moments in the last little while that have made me think 'what the heck?!?!?!?!'

I went to a group discussion about Nandos. We had to categorize different 'eating out' places and explain why we grouped certain places together.....for example I put McDs, KFC, Burger King together as fast food joints that have a drive thru. Then I had Sushi, Kebabs. Chinese as International takeaways. One lady tried to hardout explain that Wendy's is a restaurant like Lonestar. She said it's really flash cause it's got carpet and a condiments bar (sauce and salt!!!!). The other 7 of us were trying to tell the moderator that it was just like McDs cause she was Australian and she'd never heard of Wendys. The lady kept insisting it was so different and it's really a top notch restaurant. What the heck!

The same lady pulled out another 'what the heck' moment for me at the end of the 90 minute discussion. The moderator told us to help ourselves to some of the food on our way out (little sandwiches, slices, quiche things). I bent down and got a piece of lemon slice and started walking away. The aforementioned lady goes 'cool, I hoped this would happen so I brought an empty lunch to fill up...yeeyah' Wow, no shame! What the heck!

Last Sunday I got breakfast in bed from Daddy Joe (bacon and eggs on toast with a hot tottie). - lucky me!
Eventually I dragged myself out of bed and got ready for church. While I was standing in the kitchen thinking about what to get out for dinner, I said to Faith 'oh, it's mother's day, I get to choose my favourite dinner for you guys to make for me'. To which she said 'Fettucine, yum!!!!!' I said to her 'hey, it's mother's day, I get to choose'. She scratched her chin and tilted her head thinking about how to make this work for her. Then came her reply 'Mum, let's pretend it's a kids mother's day and I get to choose my favourite dinner for you to make for me' What the heck! (side note: we had fettucine made by Daddy Joe and it was delicious)

A few weeks ago Ella started mumbling something that sounded like a swear word...whaka
Faith and I looked at eachother when she said it because we both thought it was bad language. I didn't really know so I gave her the benefit of the doubt. When I asked her where she'd heard that she said it was off her horsey movie (and there's definitely no swearing in that so I thought she was legitimately trying to say something else). Days went by and we kept hearing it, right at the times of frustration and annoyance when one could resort to swear words. And it turned into Whakatuia. Now it gets used several times a day and despite our best efforts we can't seem to stop it. My daughter has made up her own swear word. Now when I reprimand her she says her Dad says it when he does the haka!!!!!' What the heck!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Shame alright. You hadn't told me about the second part of the story. What are some people thinking!!! Woah Ellas a bit dangerous to take out now I think :s
