Saturday 25 May 2013

Swanson Ward Mother's Day Dinner

What a wonderful evening we had to celebrate the women in our ward last saturday night. Daddy Joe had a stressful week getting ready for it (hoping that the Elder's quorum would pitch in, but not feeling very confident about it), but it all came together and we had a great time.

There was a good turn out, a yummy meal and lots of laughs with the karaoke and dancing.

President Heke had said he didn't want the stress of doing it again next year, but as it turns out, the men supported the activity with cooking, serving, cleaning just as he'd hoped and I think he'll do it all over again next year.

It made me wonder how we could do something nice for the men when Father's Day comes around in a few months. Watch this space.....

What a scrummy meal. This was taken after I'd already eaten all the potato bake.
I was serenaded by this handsome man in front of everyone

The children were all looked after in the primary room by Bishop and one of his counsellors, and they did a brilliant job. I didn't see Seth until about 10 minutes until the end and the girls stayed in the room most of the time. The room took a bit of a hammering, lucky Seth was there to 'vacuum' up the mess!

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