Monday 29 April 2013

5 Finger testimony & Chore chart

Tonight for FHE we did a lesson based on a 5 finger testimony. We talked about how different gloves are worn....because they protect hands from getting dirty, being hurt, or for sports or fashion. Then I showed the girls a beautiful white glove and said we were going to talk about a testimony glove. I asked Faith what that meant and she said 'it's a special talk at church'.

Here's the 5 finger testimony we talked about (each finger representing a different part of a testimony)

1. I know Heavenly Father lives and he loves me
2. I know that Jesus Christ is his son
3. I know Joseph Smith was a prophet and he translated the Book of Mormon
4. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church on the earth today
5. I know that Thomas S Monson is the prophet today and he receives revelation from the Lord

Of course there are other things that we can know as part of our testimony, but this is a start.

It was so cute to see Faith stand up and say 'Good evening Brothers and Sisters, I'd like to share my testimony.... As she tried to remember things we'd talked about she counted them off on her fingers. It's hard to describe the feeling of hearing her start to express things she believes to be true. So cool!

And on a side note, I lost my keys at the Warehouse today. I rand Daddy Joe to let him know I might be out longer than I'd anticipated. He couldn't even come and help me look cause I had the carseats with me. Anyways, I just asked them to pray that I'd find them. He said when he got off the phone the girls were quick to pray and I found them not long after. Tonight for our dinner prayer, Ella said 'Dear Heavenly Father thankful for a good day please help Mum find the keys eat dinner good in the name of Jesus Christ amen' She's starting to learn so much and I love it!!!!!

Our 'game' tonight was talking about our new chore chart. If they get ticks for their jobs they'll have some kind of reward at the end of the day (maybe 10 minutes of a DVD after Seth goes to bed at 6:30pm rather than the 5 minutes they get at the moment)

Their jobs are basic things like:
Make Bed
Keep DVDs tidy in the lounge
Keep books tidy on the shelf in the hallway
Make sure clothes stay in drawers
All toys out of lounge at 4pm
Set table
Clear table

Seffy's chart has 3 chorres
1. Sleep in bed all night long
2. Be cute
3. Practise crawling

Faith's so excited about getting ticks tomorrow on her chart so I hope she earns them!

1 comment:

  1. Woah I hope Seth can manage his. You might have to narrow it down a bit ;)
