Sunday 14 April 2013


For over a year now (can't remember exactly when I started it), the girls have had $5 automatically go into their bank accounts every week. I'd meant to set it up for a long time and never gotten around to it. Finally I did and ever since, their $5 has left my account on a Monday and gone into theirs. A few times I've jumped on to internet banking and done a little transfer out (when needs must!), but give or take a little bit, their $5 per week is untouched. Seth's is $10 per week but his is also kind of a missionary fund. Need to sort it out properly cause who's to say that the girls won't be missionaries too. Argh.....expensive!

I think ideally I'd have $5 per child per and then another 'missionary fund'  that gets $10 per week for all children to get a bit from if they choose to go. I'm certainly not paying for their whole missions but a contribution I can do!

Anyways, I digress. Today was the girl's first day paying tithing. Last week our Primary President shared the Primary's goals at the beginning of our 5th Sunday lesson. They were things like Learn the articles of Faith, help prepare children well for baptism etc. One that stood out to me was 'teach children about the importance of paying tithing'. So that's what we had FHE on last week. It was so cool to talk with Faith about how Daddy goes to work to earn money and we use our money to buy things.

I asked questions like
1. What does Dad do for work?
2. Why does he go to work and not just stay at home with us all the time?
3. What do we do with the money that he earns?
4. Why do we need money?
5. Who gives Dad work?
6. What would we do if Daddy didn't have work for a while?

I think by the time we finished she realised that when Daddy works that's a blessing from Heavenly Father. Our money is given to us and we can use it for ourselves and to help other people too. And we also learnt that we need to be careful with money by the way we spend and save.
They were so excited to put their .50 cents in the tithing envelopes today. I hope it's the beginning of a lifetime of faithful tithe paying.

1 comment:

  1. Cuuuuuute!! Will have to start that with Mac too. I bet he'll whinge about it though. Were the girls ok with it?
