Monday 22 April 2013

Impromptu Date

Last Saturday I took the kids to Mission Bay to play with the Leone's and Stones. We had a nice afternoon get together....the kiddies played and the sissies talked. Mean!

Just as I was packing up the car and about to head off Rochelle and Pete said they'd go out for dinner and then come over to babysit the kids so Daddy Joe and I could go out on a date. It was an 'out of the blue' offer so I hesitated. They insisted, so I drove away with a big smile on my face knowing that I could get the kids, fed, bathed and then head out for a bit of time with my boyf!!!!

We ended up walking down and then back up Queen Street....people watching costs nothing and it's fun!
I wasn't hungry so I was after a juice bar and my hungry husband tried Carl's Jnr for the first time.

Was so fun to be childless and just hang out.

This is Seth and his Dad before we went to the park and he went to Conference. A mountain of noodles for lunch

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