Saturday 6 April 2013

BBQ at Uncle Brett's Place

A few weeks ago I totally coincidentally met a cousin....Brett Ormsby. I happened to overhear him spelling his surname to the dance teacher on a saturday morning. ORMSBY!
I couldn't help but say, 'that's my maiden name'. Whenever I tell people I'm an Ormsby, they say 'oh, do you know David, Stewart, Phillip, Andrew.....and I never do, so I thought it was fairly unlikely we'd be related.
But we sat down and chatted for a while. Turns out Brett's Dad is Warren, whose Dad was George (Grandad's brother). So that makes our grandads brothers, our Dad's cousins, and us FAMILY!!!

We've seen him a few times since and the girls are always excited to see Uncle Brett and Cousin Hayley.

During the week he texted to see if we'd like to go over to his place for a BBQ and Easter Egg hunt. Um....YES!

So this afternoon we went down the road, 5 minutes away between our place and the dance studio to have a nice family afternoon. They'd also invited their neighbours with a little 4 year old girl so Faith, Ella, Hayley and Phoenix had a great few hours playing....not to mention the best Easter Egg Hunt I've ever seen. Brett's flatmate works at Countdown Head Office and oversees seasonal items like easter, christmas, valentines, halloween etc. With it being a week after Easter he had an amazingly good cache of treaties to hide around the property. Pre-schoolers should never be seen with bags as full as they ended up with. The girls have been taken away and thinned out for when they get up in the morning.

We had a wonderful afternoon/evening chatting with Brett, his girlfriend, neighbours, work colleagues. I'm so looking forward to spending more time with him and Hayley. He reminds me so much of Luke and he's very loving and welcoming to our children so no doubt we'll have lots of family fun down the track.

Can't go wrong with little hotdogs!

The girls were really really good with Kujo Ormsby (as his nametag reads), but Faith didn't want him this close as she ate her hotdog.
Getting ready to start the Easter Egg Hunt (Uncle Brett in top corner)

Seffy Leffy watched the kids run around him looking for Eggs

Daddy Joe made them share what they got but the people felt bad taking any so they said no. Those are new skirts that I made them both last night....Thanks Geoff's Emporium, $2 per skirt!
Faith and her Cuzzy Hayley who she likes to carry around like a baby even though she's 3.5 (same age as bubba Jordy)

Ella and her new friend Phoenix with their spoils. Ella loved her so much she ran and gave her a massive hug when she left

Is this fun or what!?!?!?!?! I don't even know what to do this is so cool!
No matter how many times I hid the Easter Egg bags, Ella kept finding them and taking them outside to rummage through

And lastly, this is how the girls spent a lot of their night...chilln' out on the grass, eating easter eggs and fejoas, chasing the dog, throwing the ball, playing with playdough, painting pictures. And they never fought once - even better!

1 comment:

  1. Oh cool! What a fun night :) the girlies must've loved easter part 2 a week later! their skirts look so cute, clever mommy!
