Wednesday 27 March 2013

Reading Nook (Hallway)

A few weeks ago we put a big bookcase in the hallway. I've found the girls there a few times reading and doing puzzles. This is how I found them yesterday.
Not exactly a reading nook, but a space nonetheless.

Initially it just had all the kids books on it, but I've since brought all our church books back in from the garage. Maybe now I'll find Daddy Joe set up like this reading his church literature one day :)

I'm glad to have the books in a shared space now so there's no more fights over 'that's my book from my room'. No matter how many times I say to them 'it's a family book, it's a family chair, it's a family blanket' they love to say 'it's mine!!!!!'
We established the other day that unless something is specifically given to the kids for their birthday or christmas, then everything else belongs to our family, not just one person! Got it?!?!?!

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